For months I have seen Camille's Sidewalk Cafe advertise their Toffee Coffee. Today I decided to try it.
I was greeted to wet floors (I understand at closing, but not at 4pm.) Fine, whatever. Went to the counter to order toffee coffee, which I was very excited to try. Which they told me they were out of, (did I mention that their sandwich board outside said to try it.) Okay, I figured Hey I'll try something else, the girl recommended a Cappuccino Chill. I was curious, because it is pretty weird to make a cold cappuccino.
Lets first define Cappuccino (thank you wikipedia):
Cappuccino is an Italian coffee-based drink prepared with espresso, hot milk, and milk foam. A cappuccino differs from a caffé latte in that it is prepared with much less steamed or textured milk than the caffé latte with the total of espresso and milk/foam making up between approximately five and six ounces
In case your interested, here is how to make one: http://www.ehow.com/how_1855_make-cappuccino.html
I asked her what a Cappuccino Chill is, she explained it was water with cappuccino flavor. Now, someone please tell me what cappuccino flavor is? A cappuccino is espresso and milk, you can't have cappuccino flavor.In case your interested, here is how to make one: http://www.ehow.com/how_1855_make-cappuccino.html
I told the girl I was not interested, and left the cafe. I am very disappointed in my coffee experience at Camille's.

one bean
Oh snap! Good to see the author is none to afraid to slap around the one-bean ranking... after a first few high rankings, I was afraid this blog was to soft and thus slipping in my credibility.
Much better - keep those 1 beaners coming to keep all those coffee shops honest...
- bhzbrctl
One bean? For shame Camille's. For Shame.
I always thought it was eXpresso...or is that the store?
nope, it's espresso. it's a common pittsburgh accent to say expresso though. :)
We are moving to Pittsburgh this fall and it is such a relief to know that we will not be moving to an area without the "staff of life". We are moving from the state of Washington where coffee houses are as numerous as raindrops and slugs. Is the water in the area fit for good coffee or will I have to buy bottled water like I do here?
joking of course! but glad you're on your toes.
Sunshine, depending on which area you live in, will depend on your water quality. I have to say though most people I know either buy water or install some sort of filtration system. Or get a Brita Pitcher.
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